The ultimate objective is to reduce the risk of building a system that isn't useful& that is, that doesn't meet users'needs. 最终的目标是减小建构系统的不必要风险&也就是说,不符合用户需求的。
This is the ultimate insult. It makes them risk averse. 这就变成侮辱了,他们就不愿意冒险了。
But at some point it is likely to act as a moderating force, containing the ultimate extent of the increase in the price of risk reflected, for instance, in credit spreads, and helping to restore market liquidity. 但在某个时间,它可能起到缓和作用,限制(例如信贷利差上)反映出的风险价格上升的最终幅度,并帮助恢复市场流动性。
The precise implication of the deal for the old shareholders will also matter for the ultimate judgement on its fairness and on what it does to incentives for future risk taking. 这笔交易对原股东的具体影响,对最终判断其是否公平及其对激励未来承担风险的影响也相当重要。
Such a sudden, catastrophic change is the ultimate health risk that must be avoided at all costs. 如此迅疾的灾难性变化才是人们要不惜一切代价设法避免的威胁健康的危险因素。
The fourth, ultimate outlet of risk society was to destroy capital in order to realize human full-scale and free development. 其四,消灭资本以实现人类的全面自由发展是摆脱风险社会困境的根本出路。
Since the financial crisis erupted in 2008, investors have piled into US Treasury bonds when they have felt nervous about the global economy, causing the dollar to surpass the traditional havens of the yen and the Swiss Franc to become the ultimate "risk off" currency. 2008年金融危机爆发以来,投资者对全球经济感到紧张时,便会大量买入美国国债,导致美元超越传统的避险货币日元和瑞士法郎,成为终极避险货币。
The ultimate cause of the sci-tech risk is the rupture between the scientific rationality and the social rationality of the modern society. 科技风险产生的根本原因在于现代社会科学理性与社会理性的断裂。
The government's ultimate goal of utilizing the stock market is to serve for economy development with low risk and high income. 低风险高收益地利用股市为经济发展服务,无疑是政府股市政策的终极目标。
The ultimate purpose of assessing and managing the risk is to reduce regional environmental risk level. 开展区域环境风险评价与管理的目的是降低区域环境风险水平,减少人为事故带来的环境灾害与经济损失。
On the basis of introducing the concept and meaning of interest-rate-marketization, the author analyzes the risk exposure during the interest-rate-marketization, then concludes that financial innovation is the ultimate approach for commercial banks to improve their competitive strength and keep away from financial risk in the marketization process. 本文在介绍利率市场化的概念及意义的基础上,分析我国利率市场化进程中的风险暴露,从而引出金融创新是商业银行在市场化过程中提高竞争实力、防范金融风险的根本途径。
The ultimate path out of the plight is to lessen the risk taken by the creditors at the condition of the steady risk capability of creditors. 在商业银行的风险承受能力相对稳定的情况下,如何降低商业银行实际的风险承担量就成为解决汽车消费信贷市场目前问题的根本途径。
In this paper, we applied the ultimate principle of risk decision-making and simulated by computer to settle the ration of risk in aviation ammunition providing. It can provide foundation for the decision-making of aviation ammunition providing in wartime. 试用风险型决策分析的基本原理,应用计算机进行仿真模拟,以解决航空弹药供应中风险的定量问题,为战时航空弹药供应决策提供依据。
The ultimate objective of risk management is to improve income turbulence management by diversifying and hedging, to improve resource deployment by analyzing the risk and return, to assist the management and decision, to obtain the reputation of good risk management for the bank. 风险管理最终的目的是通过多样化和保值来改善对收益波动的管理,通过利用风险收益分析改进资源配置,为更加成熟的管理和决策提供帮助,为银行赢得优秀风险管理的声誉。
The analyses show that the ultimate strength of hull girder has a remarkable influence on ship safety, and it is necessary and feasible for FPSO to carry out risk analysis and safety assessment. 分析表明,船体梁极限强度是影响船舶安全的重要因素,对FPSO进行风险分析和安全评估是必要而且可行的。
The ultimate goal of Campus Crisis Emergency Measures is to ensure the stability and development within the campus, to minimize risk in damage. 研究校园突发事件应急对策的最终目的是保证校园内部的稳定和发展,在最大程度地降低风险造成的损害。
In the course of business or bankrupt, physical capital owners of the firms can avoid the risk by stock market, however, the proprietary nature of human capital has made human capital owners become the ultimate bearers of risk. 在企业经营过程中或者破产倒闭时,企业的物质资本所有者可以通过证券市场规避风险,而人力资本的专有性却使得人力资本所有者成为企业风险的最终承担者。
Economically, of funding is a untypical investment, as investment, as the ultimate aim is to make a profit, but also take the investment risk, and therefore different from "the investment and lending". 从经济学的角度,隐名出资是一种非常态的投资方式,既然是投资,便是以获利作为最终目的,同时页承担投资风险,因而区别于明投资,实借贷的法律关系。
What assessment methods are appropriate? The third is country risk management. The ultimate goal of identifying risks, assessing risk is to manage risk. 识别风险、评估风险的最终目的就是控制风险。
The essence of internal control is a risk control mechanism, it is the overall control of an enterprise, the ultimate goal of internal control is to improve business management level and risk prevention ability. 内部控制本质上是一种风险控制机制,它是对企业整体的控制,内部控制的最终目标是提高企业的经营管理水平和风险防范能力。
The author also found that the ultimate of tourist travel decisions, not only related with the extent of the damage caused by crisis, more of a tourist risk perception. 作者还发现,影响旅游者最终旅游决策的,不仅与危机对目的地的破坏程度有关,更多的是受旅游者风险感知的影响。
The ultimate goal of this article is that bring forward some suggestion to deal with risk of accounts receivable pledge, and expect to do some benefit for accounts receivable pledge system. 文章撰写的最终目的就是提出应对应收账款质押过程中存在的法律风险的建议,以期对促进我国应收账款质押制度完善有所裨益。
Only build effective internal control mechanism, can state-owned commercial banks increase the level to achieve the ultimate goal& strengthen its risk prevention capability and competitiveness. 只有通过以上措施,创造优良的内控环境,构建起内部控制的有效机制,商业银行才能实现提高内部控制水平,增强自身风险防范能力和市场竞争力的最终目的。
Risk management audit is a great breakthrough and innovation of new-emerging audit mode, which integrates risk management and auditing and embodies a new conception with the ultimate goal of evaluating and improving the organizational risk. 风险管理审计是对传统审计方式的突破和创新,是融风险管理、审计为一体的新兴审计模式,是以对整个组织的风险进行评估与改善为最终目的的一种审计理念。